Submission - jAuti 2020
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Paper Submission

jAUTI 2020 accepts papers from 4 to 6 pages (in the LNCS/CCIS one-column page format), both for ongoing work with preliminary results and mature or concluded research. Page limit does include “References.”


Admitted languages: English, Portuguese or Spanish.


All papers will be have triple blind review to assure high quality results.


Papers must address one or more of the topics of the conference and follow the Springer guidelines, which can be find in the author’s instruction page:


The submissions of papers is carried in the online platform:


All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference under ISBN reference. 


A selection of the best papers will be chosen and their authors will be invited to send an extended version of it for its checking and later publication in Springer CCIS, Communications in Computer and Information Scienceindexed in Scopus.


The jAUTI 2020 participation is FREE! It does not require any fees.

Attendees should make their registration to the conference as soon as possible, considering 15th December as the limit day. To complete the registration the attendees need to fill out the form below:

Fields marked with an * are required


18th November 2020  – Abstract submission

25th November 1st December 2020 – Paper submission (Extended deadline)

12th December 2020 – Notification of decision

(until) 15th December 2020 – FREE Registration

18th December 2020 – Online Conference

31st January 2021 – Final version for proceedings

CCIS Springer

5th February  2021 – Invitations extensions for CCIS Springer

27th February 2021 – Paper upload

20th March  2021 – Review

30th March 2021 – Final version
